Dungeons and Dragons Prisoners


Well it's been too long since I posted something on my blog.  First off thanks for being patient with me. I know it's been a drought here lately but I haven't stopped working on Poser/Daz stuff.  It's just now I have something worth showing again for the site.

Well this is my foray into the medieval/fantasy genre.  I always wanted to do somethings in this genre but I sucked at coming up with story ideas for it.  Well that is over now I finally have something I base my stories on.  I remembered playing this in my early teen years and had a lot of fun with it.  So I spent some time going over the vast, and I do mean vast, treasure trove of information that D&D has.

After weeks of research and coming up with some of my own spins on certain aspects I finally have a decent story that I can begin to tell.  Well I hope you guys might be interested to see what I have in store for the future.

I guess I better put the legal on this so I don't get sued.
"I  do not own the rights to the "Dungeons and Dragon's" logo and only using to for free purposes and not be used for commercial gain."

Be Cool,

G Money

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.