No one ever drowned in sweat.


So here is to the start of a new story that I'm working on.  Once you see who the girl is I think you guys might be happy.  This one is going to be a pretty big story about in the 40's range. Also this will be a cross branded story too. Where I'll be introducing one of my MFC characters with one of Entropy's characters.  Sort of as a way to launch my initiative into this whole "fight/sexfight" thing.

But this is going to be divided between Entropy and myself.  So you will catch the first half on my blog and catch the last half on Entropy's site.

Well I hope you guys enjoy who one of the characters are. She is on my Mt. Rushmore of BWL/BSF girls.  Just out of curiosity who is on your Mt. Rushmore?

Well you guys be cool.

G Money

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. Looking forward to the crossover, Kim is a favorite of mine.
    I would have to say my Mt.Rushmore of BWL is France/Kim/Mimi/Mackenzie

  2. Me would like to see more of Kim too! Goodie :D

  3. mine would be my favorite mack and regine/caribe/jen
