

So I get an email from the blogger people for google telling me that they are censoring adult material.  Needless to say that people like me that like doing this and people like you that like looking at it left us with a very big FUCK YOU!

There is only one very small silver lining to all of this though.  Google will turn blogs like this private because I'm not taking anything I done on this down.  SOOO the only way people will see what I have is to send me your email address so I can add it to a list of people that can look at my blog.  Not to worry. My comment section is monitored and I will not post people's emails.  I'll receive a notification and if your email is in it that a comment is awaiting moderation when I see it's your email I'll add your email to my list and delete the comment.

So now I'll have to find a new host to put my content on. So everyone can look at it. If anyone knows of any good ones please let me know.  I know of Affect3D as one place but business decisions that went down in the past with them didn't turn out well and therefor I avoid doing anything on that site/forum.

Probably the best news today is that Net Neutrality won today.  Free internet speed for everyone.

G Money

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.