Lazarus Project


So after watching the "Civil War" trailer that dropped I got motivated to continue to work in that universe again.  So here is a sneak peak at the second story. 

I must say I'm kinda proud that I've been mapping out my stories for this series the same way that cinematic universe has. It's a helluv a lot harder to map all this out than it is rendering them. But now I have a good catalog that I can pull from along with tons of characters to choose from after the research time I put in for this.  "Borrowing" from the cinematic universe and comic definitely has it's advantages.

After some feed back and suggestions, I might have a surprise or two lined up for who else is in this one.

G Money

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.